Graphene is a one-atom-thick (0.335nm) sheet of carbon atoms in a honeycomb (hexagons or chicken-wire) crystal lattice. In 2004, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov at the University of Manchester have found the unique physical properties of monolayer graphene which was exfoliated from HOPG, and since then researchers from all over the world have found dozens of potential applications and exciting properties of this truly 'wonder material', including sensors, batteries, conductors, displays, electronics, medicine and more.

Graphene is the strongest material ever developed - 200 times stronger than steel and tougher than a diamond. It's also the world's thinnest material, and it is flexible and transparent. Graphene is also the best heat and electricity conductor. The thermal conductivity of monolayer graphene is up to 5300W/m?K, better than that of carbon nanotubes and diamond. As can be expected, the research community is very excited about this material, and the business world follows suite. The commercialization of graphene is just in its infancy.